Monday, 16 March 2015

Maybelline Baby Lips Lip Balm : Mango Pie Review

hello everyone 
Today i will review a very good lip balm  i think it's just perfect for summers it keeps your lips smooth  and the smell is so addictive i love the mango smell that it gives IS JUST YUMM ..Yummy .. love it

PRICE :-125 /-

QUANTITY:- 4 gms

mango pie lip balm

Experience :- It's just awesome lip balm that's  reasonable too and it makes the lips quite smooth  , soft and it has SPF 20 Which makes it just perfect for summers it heals the lips , prevents darkening but it might not last long on your lips it's staying power is around 2 hours or so , reapplication is needed and it might not completely  heal your lips  if they are too dry.  It's not that good in healing extra dry lips But you can go for it it's not that bad and it's smell is just soo Oh My God ! I 'm in love with it gives yummy mango smell that's is quite good . It's a good lip balm overall and you would like it if your lips are not that dry 

pros :-

  • Moisturizes well
  • Decent staying power
  • Has SPF 20 
  • Smells Yummy of Mangoes 

cons :-

  • nothing as such 
rating : 5/5